Strawberry Is “Coming On”

Due to a very busy schedule this past month, I haven’t been able to break away and fish Strawberry yet this fall.  But, that will change this week.  In the meantime, some of my buddies have reported that the fish are coming shallow and the giant cutthroats are beginning to bite.  Let’s review what happens

Blind Fishing — The Woes Of An Angler Without a Fish Finder

I just realized that most anglers don’t use their fish finders for more than just a fancy depth finder.  It’s difficult for me to believe that anglers are forced to fish “blind” rather than figuring out how to make their electronics into fish catching machines.  Let me tell you pieces of a recent story that

Will Burbot Destroy Flaming Gorge?

Burbot Smallmouth bass populations in the northern part of the reservoir are down an estimated 90 percent from a few years ago. And, burbot populations have now exploded almost reservoir long.

Topwater Awaits On Powell

This time of year Lake Powell beckons to recreational campers, boaters, and tourists alike and the 1900 or so miles of shoreline, countless coves, and bays seem to swallow you up.  Anglers live and die by the topwater bite for the next couple of months and this column is dedicated to teaching you how to

Summertime Smallmouths — Timing the Switch

Smallmouth bass behavior never ceases to amaze. One day the bass are coming off the post spawn period and are protecting fry or simply eating everything in sight … and then … nothing. The bite disappears and the summertime lock jaw begins in earnest. Why does this happen? For this post, I can only give

Clear Lake Tournaments — How To Win From John Pearl

“I’m still learning. This is a very diverse lake with a lot of different kinds of structure and it receives a lot of fishing pressure too. So, it’s not just learning where to fish, it’s more a question of learning how fish behave and where they go and when, and how they

Clear Lake Big Bass

While pre-fishing for a tournament, especially on new water, keep your eyes open, for birds, bait, and even anglers fishing in areas of interest. Astute observation will shorten the learning curve and assist as you make your plan of attack to conquer a new body of water. I found myself doing exactly that on Clear

Deer Creek — A Short Run To Some Great Fish

“We are trying to stock larger trout in Deer Creek,” said Mike Slater, aquatics manager for the Central Region of the Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR). “We find that predation is lessened greatly when we stock 10-inchers in the reservoir.