You Don’t Need A New Fish Finder — Just Read My Book

Christmas is a time when many anglers get the fish finder of their dreams wrapped up neatly and stowed under the Christmas tree. But, this year, do yourself a favor and don’t buy a new finder before downloading and reading my Kindle book, “Fish Finders — How To Turn Your Fish Finder Into a Fish-Catching Machine.”

The book has been out long enough for me to have received some great reviews, including a couple that were not so great. I have updated and revised it and positive comments from readers have been flooding in. “Fish Finders helped me understand for the first time what I was seeing or not seeing on my current finder,” said one reader. “Now, I have developed confidence and trust in my current finder and don’t need to keep chasing the next greatest thing. I’ve caught more fish this year while using my finder than at any other time in my life. Thanks for writing this book!”

It’s really this simple. All fish finders do about the same things. They point out the bottom, structure, and hopefully fish. The challenge is that most anglers never get to the point that they really KNOW what they are seeing on the screen. And, even when they “think” they know, the reality is that they don’t trust their finder. Adding insult to injury, few angler ever utilize even a small portion of the features that have been available on most fish finder build in the last 15 years. So, buying a new finder isn’t a great solution.

“Fish Finders” teaches you be be observant, to understand Nature, to trust your own eyes, ears, and nose, and to make the connection to what you are experiencing in the outdoors and the screen mounted on the bow or console of your boat. Is my book an owners manual for all types of finders?


It is, however, the least expensive way to learn about finders without getting bogged down in video productions that cost a lot, don’t apply to your brand, or give precious little practical advice beyond how to push a few buttons.

Give my book a try. Just click on the ads on the home page and enjoy. With a money-back guarantee … what have you got to lose?

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