Tag: Don Allphin

Rekindle Your Love Of Fishing

This Christmas season my heart is full of thanks to all of you who have willingly shared your photos, stories, and experiences; have asked questions, and have willingly and eagerly read this column each week for the past 18 years.  I am deeply moved each time you stop me in the tackle store, at church,

Lake Trout – Too Many Mouths To Feed

For many anglers, lake trout (mackinaw) is a “bucket list” species that can only be caught in their dreams.  Not that they are particularly difficult to catch, but they are not found in all trout waters and so they must be “targeted.”  Since they are not found universally, anglers must learn where they live, how

Hungry “Cuts” Attack Small Rainbows

As I reported last week, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (UDWR) has stocked close to 400,000 eight-inch rainbow trout in Strawberry since the first of October.  Those fish are now swimming in schools around the lake and are being targeted by large cutthroat trout as they gorge themselves before winter.  If you target the

Fall Shore Angling – Three Important Tips

This week, let’s take a look fishing from the shore and, hopefully, entice you to get out of that easy chair, turn off the football game, and catch some “stout” trout while enjoying this hot and cold (weather wise) extended fall fishing season. I watched a few shore anglers last week trying to mirror those

Can Lightning Strike Twice?

First Strike In February of 2017, I wrote the story of the largest striper I had caught at Lake Powell, and in my heart felt it was truly the fish of a lifetime.  To recap the event, my friend, Brent Daybell, and I were fishing in a deep canyon between Bullfrog and Good Hope bays,

Strawberry Predictably Fantastic!

As I have reported lately, Strawberry is not only coming on, it’s here with a vengeance.  I was finally able to get out to the reservoir in the past week or so and found the fish in exactly the same areas in which I had hoped they would be. And, the fish were aggressive, large,

Finding Striper “Boils”

A common story from friends and readers of this column is as follows:  “We went down to Lake Powell and all we wanted to see was a striper boil.  Instead, we struggled to catch fish and didn’t see a single boil all week.” Allow me to help  you understand the baitfish/predator relationship on Lake Powell and

Juvenile Browns Plentiful In The Green

The annual Utah rifle deer hunt is a wonderful family time for me and I relish the opportunity to spend a few days enjoying the fall colors and carving out a few hours to fish the Green River below the Flaming Gorge Dam.  This year, although frustrating at times, Don Jr. and a close family

Strawberry Is “Coming On”

Due to a very busy schedule this past month, I haven’t been able to break away and fish Strawberry yet this fall.  But, that will change this week.  In the meantime, some of my buddies have reported that the fish are coming shallow and the giant cutthroats are beginning to bite.  Let’s review what happens